
Introducing.....even cuter....F.I.N.N

Here's my new found love!!! Finn will be 6 mths old May 20th...he's the cutest lil baby...well in my eyes...He's learning some karate moves. He's farts are SBD, and loud too! He's starting to eat some baby food and so far I'm guessing he likes peas, prunes, carrots, sweet potatoe, not so much bananas though but loves pears. He also likes juice alot...
Hopefully Ill get to get more pics with him and show you guys what he's been learning, such as stuffing both his fists in his mouth....ehhe...

*excuse my messy hair...Finn's been yanking on it...


Bliss said...

OMG Finn is too cute for words just wanna pinch his cheeks.

lilbebe said...

Me and babies generally don't mix. But this baby is sooo cute that I wanna kidnap him hehe

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